
Raised: $0 /  Goals: $
Campaign Duration:
Shanna Lehman
Prior SFS Events:
In Memory of
Date of Birth: 02/27/2017
Date of Death: 07/04/2017

Porter and Adeline were born Feb 27th 2017, seven weeks early. They fought all odds and after a month of being in the NICU, they got to come home. On July 4th, I awoke to find my sweet Adeline had passed away in her sleep. This girl, let me tell you, was a certified diva from day one. She was perfect in every way and had a pacifier that even said future president. The 4th of July will forever be the most horrific day of my life and I have no reasons as to what truly happened to my baby girl. The unknowns and what ifs haunt me today, as they did from day one. I started this team, not only to honor Adeline, but to raise money for research of SIDS. I would never wish this heartache on anyone and if I can do anything to help to potentially prevent a person, down the road, from experiencing this, then I will stop at nothing short of trying to doing so.