Lukas’ Wings

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Lukas’ Story

Lukas was born on June 5, 2013, healthy 8lbs 12oz 21.5″ Long. He was full of life and a joy to be around. Lukas was an amazing sleeper, at 2.5 months he was sleeping 10-12 hours a night straight and naps throughout the day. I am pretty sure that is what every parent hopes for. Lukas’ smile and presence brought joy to everyone he met.

On October 1, 2013 on my way to pick Lukas up from daycare, I received an awful phone call. The daycare provider stated that Lukas was not breathing. She found him face down in the pack “n” play while taking a nap. The ambulance was there when I arrived and he was rushed to the hospital. They worked to bring him back for over an hour, but he was gone. After the autopsy came back, it stated that Lukas has suffocated in his sleep, when he was face down in the Pack ‘n Play.We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

I am committed to raise awareness and do all I can to help with Infant Safe Sleep and SIDS/SUIDS research. No parent should have to lose a baby to something that can be prevented.

Lukas' Wings
Sara Lynch
Prior SFS Events:
In Memory of
Lukas Michael Lynch
Date of Birth: 06/05/2013
Date of Death: 10/01/2013
$0.00 donated
0 Donors

Lukas’ Story

Lukas was born on June 5, 2013, healthy 8lbs 12oz 21.5″ Long. He was full of life and a joy to be around. Lukas was an amazing sleeper, at 2.5 months he was sleeping 10-12 hours a night straight and naps throughout the day. I am pretty sure that is what every parent hopes for. Lukas’ smile and presence brought joy to everyone he met.

On October 1, 2013 on my way to pick Lukas up from daycare, I received an awful phone call. The daycare provider stated that Lukas was not breathing. She found him face down in the pack “n” play while taking a nap. The ambulance was there when I arrived and he was rushed to the hospital. They worked to bring him back for over an hour, but he was gone. After the autopsy came back, it stated that Lukas has suffocated in his sleep, when he was face down in the Pack ‘n Play.We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

I am committed to raise awareness and do all I can to help with Infant Safe Sleep and SIDS/SUIDS research. No parent should have to lose a baby to something that can be prevented.


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