September 11 is a date that strikes fear and sadness into the hearts of Americans, but for our family this heartbreaking date means the nightmare in which we lost our Blaise to SIDS. Our amazing supporters rallied behind us, and together we are a team of family and friends dedicated to keeping the tiny life of Blaise “alive” in our hearts. Our goal is to celebrate Blaise by spreading awareness about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome throughout our community and by educating all caregivers about current SIDS research and ways in which the risk of SIDS may be reduced.

Loving Kids, NO SIDS
Andrea Moore
Justin Moore
Prior SFS Events:
In Memory of
Blaise William Henry Moore
Date of Birth: 06/20/2007
Date of Death: 09/11/2007
September 11 is a date that strikes fear and sadness into the hearts of Americans, but for our family this heartbreaking date means the nightmare in which we lost our Blaise to SIDS. Our amazing supporters rallied behind us, and together we are a team of family and friends dedicated to keeping the tiny life of Blaise “alive” in our hearts. Our goal is to celebrate Blaise by spreading awareness about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome throughout our community and by educating all caregivers about current SIDS research and ways in which the risk of SIDS may be reduced.