Our Angel Carter passed away when he was 1 year and 2 weeks old. He was our baby and forever will be. We hold this charity dear to our hearts bc we don’t want anyone to suffer the way we have after losing our precious baby boy. Carter still lives in our home his pictures are all over our walls and his spirit surrounds us. We have been blessed with two more kids after him and we are now a family of 7 plus an angel in the sky.

Team Carter abro
Zena Abro
West Bloomfield
Prior SFS Events:
In Memory of
Carter George Abro
Date of Birth: 02/29/2008
Date of Death: 03/17/2009
Our Angel Carter passed away when he was 1 year and 2 weeks old. He was our baby and forever will be. We hold this charity dear to our hearts bc we don’t want anyone to suffer the way we have after losing our precious baby boy. Carter still lives in our home his pictures are all over our walls and his spirit surrounds us. We have been blessed with two more kids after him and we are now a family of 7 plus an angel in the sky.
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